jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Kurt Cobain predicted the future 27 years ago with this theory and it came true.

Kurt Cobain's prophecy: "20 years from now there will be virtual drug addicts who will find their death on the couch"

Kurt Cobain will always be recorded as an attractive person, with a polyhedral personality, intelligent and introverted and, at the same time, temperamental. Ultimately, many will say that you will look like a misunderstood genius, prone to depression who thought of suicide and death very often. But the leader of Nirvana was all that and much more.

In 2006 Kurt Cobain: About a Son was released, a documentary that collected a series of interviews held in the early 90s with music journalist Michael Azerrad, and which had never been made public. In them, despite his secrecy, the singer had many intimate aspects of his life, later it served for Azerrad to publish the biography of Nirvana a few months before death.

He also said about the future of music in 20 years, and he said that quite correctly. In fact, the extract from the documentary that collects these predictions has recently gone viral. Among other aspects, the singer predicted back in 1993, in 20 years society would live alienated thanks to mobile phones, just as the rock genre would experience a time of decline. These were his words:

“It is sad to think about the state of rock and roll in 20 years or more. I feel like when rock and roll dies the whole world will explode, you know? Everything is a rehash, a copy, it barely lives right now, you know? It's disgusting. Kids don't even care about rock and roll like they used to, like past generations have. It has become only a fashion and identity statement that they use to have a social life and to be able to fuck. And at that point I no longer see that music is important for the teenager. I think their sounds and tones are used in virtual machines, they listen to them like this and use the same emotion.
There will be many virtual machines that handle phones. You can talk and listen on these machines, talk to people, go to another room and drink and take drugs and fuck, but in truth I think it will be those virtual machines that will drug you. Technology will be that good. And then there will be virtual drug addicts who will find their death on the couch. »


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