lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

Anonymous claims that Kurt Cobain was killed.

Anonymous claims that Kurt Cobain was killed and the networks exploded

Amid the outbreak of George Floyd's death in the US, the cyber justice published a series of celebrities allegedly killed by the pedophile ring led by Jeffrey Epstein. Why does Kurt come into play? Check out the video that everyone shares ...

America is a true pressure cooker. After the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a United States police officer, people took to the streets.

At the same time, Anonymous took the opportunity to throw fuel on the fire, and paid attention to US policies with publishing sensitive government information if not stopping the arrests on the streets.

As promised, Anonymous published a list of celebrities killed by power and another of those involved in the pederasty network led by Jeffrey Epstein, which earned a place on the Netflix screen with a really strong series.

Kurt Cobain is a trend because, according to Anonymous, he was killed for being aware of this and, coincidentally, there is a video where the grunge king talks about an island and people waiting to be raped.

Along with Cobain Avicii, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, among others are also named.

But in the exclusive case of Kurt, Anonymous fed a theory that was always going around the fans of Nirvana, which is that of Courtney Love -his wife- as the intellectual author of the alleged murder.


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