jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

The Seattle Sound: The possible new Netflix series on the history of Grunge.

The Seattle Sound: The possible new Netflix series on the history of Grunge.

In quarantine times many rumors have been created, others on the internet through social networks and others on television, but currently in a network of fans of a grunge news blog, information about the new possible netflix series for the year 2022.

Although there is no official information in this regard, a possible distribution of the series that you would be thinking is disclosed: The Sound of Seattle, this is the title of the new project of the Netflix academies, they would put all their money to tell the story of the greats grunge bands of the 90s. That's why the cast of actors is of a high level, where he talks about Aaron Paul, who recently commented on his interest in playing Kurt Cobain this time it would be Scott Weiland of the Stone Temple Pilots, Johnny Deep is also talked about as Chris Cornell, we recorded that they were great friends, so in private he knows a lot about what Chris Cornell was like and also Ewan McGregor as Eddie Vedder.

There is no real information about it and when asking netflix about official information without answering the messages, they later pointed out that it is not something to debate to find out about people for now, so they have not ruled out the possibility of a series of the grunge, meanwhile fans will have to wait.


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